Postharvest treatments to extend vase life of selected Proteaceae cut flowers
I.A. Stephens, D.M Holcroft, G. Jacobs
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 602: 155-159.
Success in reducing leaf blackening of ‘Sylvia’ protea with glucose vase solutions prompted research into glucose vase and pulsing solutions on Protea and Leucospermum cut flowers. Glucose pulsing solutions significantly extended vase life of ‘Brenda’, ‘Carnival’, ‘Pink Ice’, ‘Susara’ and ‘Sylvia’ proteas, but not ‘Cardinal’ or King protea. Increasing glucose concentrations significantly reduced leaf blackening in ‘Sylvia’ proteas stored for 21 days at 1°C (commercial shipment). Glucose vase (1 and 2%) and pulsing (2%) solutions significantly extended vase life of ‘Cordi’, ‘Gold Dust’, ‘High Gold’ and ‘Succession’ pincushions; however, glucose vase solutions did not improve the vase life of ‘Scarlet Ribbon’ and ‘Tango’ pincushions.