Impact of coating and film packaging on the quality dynamic of radish and pepino
S. Huyskens-Keil, M. Schreiner, A. Krumbein, H. Prono-Widayat, P. Lüdders
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 599: 103-108.
The effect of different postharvest treatments (film wrapping in conventional and biodegradable materials, foodtainer, surface coatings) were evaluated in respect to their suitability to prevent quality loss of bioactive compounds in highly perishable fruits and vegetables. In pepino fruits the use of foodtainer maintained the ß-carotene and chlorophyll contents, whereas sucrose ester coating led to a desired inhibition of pectin degradation. Starch coating, OPP-Coex-film and foodtainer packaging prevented the loss of total pectins in radishes, while only cellulose film packaging could be recommended for maintaining and enhancing bioactive soluble pectin and glucosinolates in radishes. The use of biodegradable sucrose ester coatings had only limited positive effects on bioactive substances.