
Effect of CA-storage on the physical and sensorial quality of Rocha pear

A.C. Galvis-Sánchez, S.C. Fonseca, A.M.M.B. Morais, F.X. Malcata

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 599: 690-698.



Effect of CA-storage on the physical and sensorial quality of Rocha pear

The effect of several storage factors (storage time, time in the open air at room temperature, and concentrations of O2 and CO2) were evaluated for the pear cultivar ‘Rocha’ following CA and NA storage. Colour was affected by the time in the open air and the concentrations of O2 and CO2, via their linear, quadratic and cross interaction effects. Firmness was affected by all factors tested. Sensorial evaluation confirmed the results pertaining to colour and firmness, and permitted detection of the influence of storage conditions upon juiciness and sweetness.