
The role of CA treatment on the storage quality of cabbage

I. Buike, I. Alsina

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 599: 725-730.



The role of CA treatment on the storage quality of cabbage

Cabbages are most widely grown vegetables for winter consumption in Latvia. Therefore the storage problems are actual. Calcium is o­ne of the most important nutrients for cabbages. The storage potential is reduced in the case of calcium lack. The field experiments were conducted o­n Pure Horticultural Research Station during 1999 – 2001 years. Variety ‘Byelorusskoye 455’ was used in the investigations. Ca dressing with calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2) or ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) for control done in several variants: all dose applied o­nce per vegetation period or divided in two and three times. Storage treatment conducted after harvest. Cabbages were stored in the storage room at 0-10C, relative humidity 90-93%. Highest total and standard yield was obtained from the variants where dressing was used o­nce per vegetation period. The lowest yield obtained in the variant with the triple fertilising at the vegetation period. Mass changes at the storage period are affected by the dressing time but not directly by the calcium nitrate using. The studies of dry matter content showed significant influence of Ca nitrate, but dressing time had no influence. For average parameters the highest sugar level is stated for the control variant. But in the storage time sugar level rapid decreasing is stated for this variant. Nevertheless influence of o­ne concrete factor o­n the sugar level in cabbages is not stated.