
Refractometric and sensory evaluation of strawberry fruits and their shelf life during storage

B. Radajewska, I. Dejwor-Borowiak

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 570:759-762.



Refractometric and sensory evaluation of strawberry fruits and their shelf life during storage

The fruits of 12 strawberry cultivars Elkat (PL), Elsanta, Gerida, Kama (PL), Kaster (PL), Kent, Marmolada, Pandora, Seal (PL), Senga Sengana, Tarda Vicoda, Vega (PL) have been evaluated. The fruit was stored in ambient conditions and in a cold store at +3 0C. The fruits of cultivars Seal (PL) and Elsanta featured higher extract content (9.5 and 9.0% respectively) and the fruit of Kaster (PL) the lowest (7.0%). The fruits of Pandora, Kent, Elkat (PL) and Elsanta achieved a high score for their sensory features (4.2; 4.1; 4.1 and 4.1 respectively). The fruits of Pandora and Vicoda, which were stored in ambient conditions, had the best shelf life of all the cultivars investigated (3 days) and at +3 0C conditions the fruits of Elsanta, Kent and Vicoda maintained good quality for 12,10 and 10 days respectively.