
Comparison of Effects of Acidic Electrolyzed Water and NaOCl on Sterilization of Fresh-Cut Vegetables

S. Kusakari, N. Achiwa and K. Abe

Book of Abstract. APEC Symposium on Assuring Quality and Safety of Fresh Produce, August 1-3, 2005, Bangkok, Thailand. 76 page.



Comparison of Effects of Acidic Electrolyzed Water and NaOCl on Sterilization of Fresh-Cut Vegetables

University acidic electrolyzed water (AEW) was generated by electrolysis of a dilute salt solution such as sodium chloride. AEW was obtained from prototype generator made by Hoshizaki Electric Co. Ltd., by means of electrolysis of 0.5% sodium chloride solution. The pH of AEW was 2.7, the oxidation-reduction potential was + 1,100 mv, and the concentration of available chlorine was 35 ppm. AEW is o­ne of the environment-friendly sterilizer for its low level of chloride. Comparison of sterilization effects of AEW and NaOCl was tested o­n the fresh-cut cabbages. Efficacy of sterilization of AEW was more than NaOCl, which contained 200 ppm of available chorine. Pre-treatment of cut cabbages by alkali electrolyzed water or diluted salt solution such as NaHPO4 was enhanced sterilization effect of AEW. AEW treated fresh-cut cabbages with pre-treatment, viable aerobes were reduced by 2.5 log cfu/g within 10 min. AEW treated fresh-cut cabbages were less browning and chorine smeller than NaOCl treated o­ne. Multiplication of microorganisms o­n cut cabbages after treatment with AEW was as same as NaOCl treatment. AEW was a superior sterilizer than NaOCl for fresh-cut vegetables for the reason of low level of chloride, same level of elimination effects of microorganisms, and less damages of treatment materials.