
Transgenic Vegetables with Delayed Senescence Phenotypes

J.Eason, C.Watson, N.Gapper , M.McKenzie, D.Brummell, J.Heyes and R.Lill

Program and Abstract. Australasian Postharvest Horticulture Conference. Royal Lakeside Novote., Rotorua, New Zealand. 27-30 September 2005. July 5-10, 2005. Page 11



Transgenic Vegetables with Delayed Senescence Phenotypes     The life of harvested vegetables and flowers is limited by natural senescence. Gaining control over senescence should permit longer storage- and shelf-life , which may allow air-freighted products to be sea-freighted and enhance marketing flexibility (opening up new markets and smoothing out peaks and troughs in production). Our group has been characterising postharvest senescence of various vegetable and flower crops, describing details of biochemical processes which accompany senescence, together with associated changes in technology to suppress expression of genes normally unregulated during senescence, as a means of testing their significance in the progression of postharvest.