
Impact of Growing Temperature and Development Stage on Glucosinolates in Daikon Sprouts

C. Bgurung, D.E. Irving, T.J. O’Hare, L. Force and L.S. Wong

Program and Abstract. Australasian Postharvest Horticulture Conference. Royal Lakeside Novote., Rotorua, New Zealand. 27-30 September 2005. July 5-10, 2005. Page 19.



Impact of Growing Temperature and Development Stage on Glucosinolates in Daikon Sprouts Vegetables within the brassica family such as broccoli, have been shown to contain high concentrations of specific glucosinolates, which in turn produce isothiocyanates with anticancer potential. Sprouted seed has been shown to have exceptionally high levels. We investigated the impact of growing temperature and sprout development stage o­n the glucosinolate profile and concentration of two cultivars of daikon sprouts (Raphanus sativus), also a member of the brassica family. Two glucosinolates (glucoraphenin, glucodehydroerucin) were detected in high concentrations, and two at lower concentrations (glucoraphanin, 4-hydroxyglucobrassicin).Except for glucodehydroerucin, concentrations of all glucosinolates decreased significantly with increase in sprout developmental stage. Growing temperature significantly impacted o­n the glucosinolate profile of o­ne cultivar of daikon, but not o­n the other. Higher growth temperatures were associated with an increase in glucodehydroerucin at the expense of glucoraphenin. As glucodehyroerucin is estimated at having approximately o­ne tenth the anti-cancer potential of glucoraphenin, both cultivar, sprout developmental stage and growing temperature appear to be critical factors determining the potency of daikon sprouts.