
Inhibition of ethylene action alters apples and pear fruit responses to CA environments with elevated carbon dioxide, oxygen and/or temperature

Rudell, Davis, James Mattheis, John Fellman

Program and Abstract. 9th Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (CA2005). Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. July 5-10, 2005. page10



Inhibition of ethylene action alters apples and pear fruit responses to CA environments with elevated carbon dioxide, oxygen and/or temperature

Several cultivars of apple (‘Delicious’, ‘Gala’, ‘Golden Delicious’) and pear (‘Bartlett’, ‘d’Anjou’) were used to evaluate how inhibition of ethylene action by 1-MCP impacts fruit response to CA conditions and temperature during storage. In some studies fruit were harvested o­n multiple dates to incorporate maturity at harvest as another variable. In all studies, fruit were exposed to 1-MCP o­n the day of harvest for 14-16 h, then transferred to CA chambers and held for 24 h prior to establishment of CA conditions. Studies were conducted using CA systems in which atmosphere were established and maintained using flow-through or static environments. Fruit were removed from CA chambers at either 2 (‘Bartlett’, ‘Gala’) or 3 (‘d’Anjou’, ‘Delicious’, ‘Golden Delicious’) month intervals then rated for external color, disorders and decay incidence. After a 7 day period during which fruit were held at 20°C, external (color, disorders, decay) and internal quality were evaluated. For the cultivars evaluated, impacts of higher O2 and CO2 CA conditions observed were dependent in part o­n maturity at harvest and storage duration. For the apples evaluated, exposure to 1-MCP slowed ripening in CA with up to 5 kPa O2, however, the impact of 1-MCP decreased with increased O2 concentration and storage duration. Exposure to 1-MCP also slowed ripening at temperatures up to 5°C. Control of superficial scald o­n ‘Delicious’ and ‘d’Anjou’ was not compromised by increased O2 set points. Accelerated ripening (softening, degreening) of 1-MCP treated ‘d’Anjou’ pears stored in 3 or 5 kPa O2 was observed after 6 and 9 months plus 7 days at 20°C, but o­nly after 9 months did fruit soften to less than 26N. Peel degreening increased with CA O2 concentration but occurred at a slower rate in 1-MCP treated fruit. Development of peel CO2 injury o­n ‘Golden Delicious’ apples was enhanced by 1-MCP treatment.