
Effects of different Ca, MA, N2O and l-MCP treatments to improve storage and quality of two peach cultivars.

Grima-Calvo, Desiree, Isabel Lara and Miguel Vendrell

9th Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (CA2005). Program and Abstract.Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. July 5-10, 2005. page48



Effects of different Ca, MA, N2O and l-MCP treatments to improve storage and quality of two peach cultivars. The main problem for storage of most peach varieties is the development of physiological disorders.Peach fruits are exposed to low temperatures for preservation.Chilling injury or internal breakdown occurs at temperatures above freezing and below 10ºC.The resulting symptoms include tissue browning and wooliness that limit shelf life and a broader marketing of the fruit.Different peach varieties vary greatly in susceptibility to chilling injury.We evaluated the possible use of different CA, MA and treatments with N2O and l-MCP o­n the “Mestret” variety stored at 1ºC.Samples were taken out of storage after 40 and 60 days and placed at 20ºC to simulate shelf life for 3 days.We studied also the effect of different CA o­n the variety “Merry O’Henry”.Samples were taken out after 30 and 45 days of storage.Several physiological parameters were measured such as CO2 and ethylene production, ACC content ACC oxidase activity, PPO and POD activities, as well as quality parameters, including colour of skin and pulp.Measurements were made after storage at 1ºC and after 3 days at 20ºC.The effects of the various treatments o­n quality of fruit after different periods will be discussed