
The social construction of rice post-harvest losses

Irawati, Indera Ratna

M.A., Michigan State University, 1994, 53 pages.



The social construction of rice post-harvest losses

This paper focuses o­n the problem of a lack of agreement in measurement to be used in analyzing rice post-harvest losses. Social construction theory is used to analyze the case of Bangladesh.

This paper use data from two sources: Martin Greeley's book entitled Postharvest Losses, Technology, and Employment (1987), and A.K.M. Anwarul Haque et al.'s article entitled "Rice Post-harvest Practices and Loss Estimates in Bangladesh: Threshing through Sundrying" that was published in Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, vol.22 no.1 1991.

The findings of this paper are that the researchers construct their own measurements in rice post-harvest losses by based o­n various explanations of loss operations/causes covered by estimates, methods of conducting research, seasons in which research was conducted, loss estimation, and characteristics of researchers. Another finding is that different interests of the researchers influence them in constructing their measurements and explanations.